Creativity and New Media
I created an avatar. An avatar is a new form of new media because it is part of a virtual world. Now, imagine you are lonely. You have trouble getting along with others. This is where the avatar comes in. You can connect with other people and feel part of a group. You can share ideas, thoughts, and stimulate your mind. An avatar can be used as a source of entertainment, connecting with others, as well as a learning experience. While playing myself as an avatar, I met random people from LA and other states. We interacted and talked briefly about one another. As mentioned earlier, this is a great way to meet other people, feel connected and have fun at the same time. Another way avatars and the virtual world can help creativity is by constructing a map of a village. This can help if you are a soldier. You can get creative with it and experience a lot of different situations such as roadblocks. As a soldier, you would have to think how to get around this village, how to ...