
Showing posts from June, 2017

Creativity and New Media

I created an avatar. An avatar is a new form of new media because it is part of a virtual world.   Now, imagine you are lonely. You have trouble getting along with others. This is where the avatar comes in. You can connect with other people and feel part of a group. You can share ideas, thoughts, and stimulate your mind. An avatar can be used as a source of entertainment, connecting with others, as well as a learning experience. While playing myself as an avatar, I met random people from LA and other states. We interacted and talked briefly about one another. As mentioned earlier, this is a great way to meet other people, feel connected and have fun at the same time.   Another way avatars and the virtual world can help creativity is by constructing a map of a village. This can help if you are a soldier. You can get creative with it and experience a lot of different situations such as roadblocks. As a soldier, you would have to think how to get around this village, how to hide from

HW Creativity

In the article, “ Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Follower,” It talks about how you can get a bunch of users interacting. Why is this good? Well, twitter is part of the innovation of new media. It helps foster creativity. For example, imagine a kid in high school who is shy and afraid to put himself out there. Twitter can help him speak his mind, share his thoughts, interact with other users and finally feel connected and establish a sense of belonging rather than be alone in his room with no one to talk to. The article, “Creators, Audiences, and New Media: Creativity in an Interactive Environment,” talks about how new media environment changed the traditional creator and audience roles, as boundaries are being crossed. For example, a creator may create something inspired by his audience, and his audience may use what he made/created in one of their own personal innovations. This is what the author means when he says that boundaries are being crossed. New media fosters creativity b

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds can help people feel comfortable and connected. For example, in the article “After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot,” virtual worlds can be used in education, delivery services, and as a form of telehealthcare. Why is this good? Well, it can help us feel connected with one another and avoid being lonely. The difference between human interaction and the digital world is that in the digital world you don’t feel isolated, but ‘together’.   Virtual worlds can also be good for business because the next generation of web browsers are going to be 3D, thus virtual worlds can be accessed through a web browser rather than a download program. In the article, “Naughty Auties’ battle autism with virtual interaction,” David Savill created Naughty Auties, a resource center for those with autism, in the virtual world of second life. Residents can represent themselves with 3-D pictures, avatars, and connect with one another over the internet.   In my opinion, virtual world