Blog: P2P

File sharing involves sending or allowing access to programs and documents such as Microsoft word essays. This is common in service applications such as Dropbox and Google Drive. For example, there is a group project that has to be completed in a few days, and we have to submit one document. So, we make a file in google drive and it is available, seen and allowed to be edited by everyone in the group.
P2P file sharing involves sharing digital media such as books, music, and movies through connecting to another computer that is connected to P2P network.
An example of P2P file sharing is an application called Lending Club, as discussed in the article, “Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other.” The article discusses how Lending Club gets borrowers and lenders together outside the conventional banking system. This is popular among people who struggle to find loans through a bank or prefer not to because of a high interest rate that comes with the loan.

Another example of P2P file sharing is discussed in the article, “Should Online Scofflaws Be Denied Web Access?.” David Price said that P2P file sharing has appeared to slow down as more people look for download or streaming movies illegally. In a P2P file sharing example, you can connect to another computer that also is on a P2P network and have a movie file share to that computer.


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